This blog addresses the growing problem of accepting frustration in the modern world and describes the many aspects in which this attitude increases psychological suffering. It analyzes the problem and offer useful suggestions for its acceptance and management to attain inner peace
Category: Beating Depression
Strategies to beat depression in daily life and to develop a more hopeful attitude in life
Top-Down Ways of Beating Depression and Lifting your Mood
This post explains “top-down methods to beat depression and improve your mood long term. It describes the two most common useful approaches in the treatment of major depression and others mood disorders.
Five Bottom-up Approaches to Lift your Mood Fast
This post examines five rapid ways of improving your mood using the bottom-up method. It describes how simple physical and bodily activities can help you get out of depression rapidly.
Depresión: Qué es y Cómo Vencerla
Este articulo te explica que es la depresion, cuales son los distintos tipos de depresion. Como prevenirla y como empezar a vencerla.
Duelo y pérdida: Qué se Puede Hacer al Respecto
Este articulo explica el efecto de la muerte, el duelo y el dolor y como enfrentarlo de una manera mas efectiva para no sufrir tanto.
Grief and Loss: What it is and What You Can Do About it
This post examines the effects of grief an loss in our lives and how to cope.
El Trastorno Afectivo Estacional: Qué es y Cómo Prevenirlo
Este articulo explica lo que es el TAE trastorno afectivo emocional su prevencion y tratamiento.
The Seasonal Affective Disorder: What it is and How to Prevent It
This post explains seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also known as the “winter blues.” It helps with its diagnosis and how to differentiate it from bipolar disorder. Gives advice on how to prevent it and treat it effectively.
Beating the Holiday Blues in the COVID19 Pandemic
This post examines the causes of the “holiday blues” during the COVID 19 pandemic and gives advice to avoid it.
The Love and Relationship Series: “Our First Love”
This article explains the importance of loving yourself to be able to love others. It explains the difference between Self-Love and Selfishness and gives practical advice to improve your SELF-ESTEEM