This post explains narcissism, narcissistic personality disorder (NPD0 and the psychology of narcissists.
Category: Uncategorized
La Pérdida del Romanticismo en la Vida Posmoderna y sus Consecuencias Para tu Felicidad
Este articulo trata de los efectos de la perdida de Idealizacion y Romanticismo en las relaciones actuales. Da consejos a tener en cuenta para disminuir el sufrimiento en el amor y aumentar tus oportunidades de encontrar un amor verdadero y duradero.
Five Tips on How to Cope with Painful Situations
The purpose of this post is to help those who are struggling with emotional hurt find guidance and healing. Here I offer 5 tips from my own personal experience to get started on your journey of recovery from a painful life experience.
Sensualidad, Amor, y Deseo en Los hombres
Este articulo trata de los hombres y su manera de desear y amar. Este articulo te ayudara a entenderte, si eres varon. Y si eres mujer, te ayudara a entender mejor a los hombres
El Amor y el Deseo: Los Obstáculos Para Una Relación de Amor Armoniosa
Este articulo examina el Amor y el Deseo y como sus diferencias afectan la posible armonia en las relaciones amorosas eroticas entre hombres y mujeres.
Panico Y Pandemia: Las 6 Sustancias que Usas Comunmente y que Debes Evitar para Prevenir Los Ataques de Panico
Este articulo examina las 6 sustancias comunmente usadas que producen panico y da recomendaciones de como prevenirlo
Why Love and Relationships Are so Difficult
This post addresses the difficulties in Love relationships. It examines the differences between need, demand, and desire. It offers a new psychoanalytic perspective to Love and relational matters that will help you solve your relational problems more effectively.
The Love and Relationship Series: “Our First Love”
This article explains the importance of loving yourself to be able to love others. It explains the difference between Self-Love and Selfishness and gives practical advice to improve your SELF-ESTEEM
COVID-19: “Coping with the Pandemic from a Mental Health Standpoint”
This post examines the psychological aspects of the COVID-19 and gives suggestions as to how to take a healthy stance to deal with it more effectively
Welcome to my blog on Mental Health and on How to Improve Your LIFE!
Welcome to my mental health blog
Here you will find the most useful information to keep you going in these tough times of pandemic and crisis. You will learn about love, relationships, how to improve your self-esteem, beat your depression, conquer your anxiety, and lead a much happier and fulfilled life.