You have heard it over and over again in the last few months. While you stayed cooped up at home, the experts have told you over and over again that “there’s nothing you can do to improve your chances of not acquiring Coronavirus infection or to improve your chances to fight the infection”. Well, I am here to tell you that is not only not true — but that that kind of defeatist advice will keep you from learning what you can do to avoid getting the infection and–in case you get it–from surviving it.
First of all, you have to understand that, Integrative Medicine pays great attention to the terrain, that is the body’s ability to repel the infection and mount an adequate immune response to the viral invasion, and not just to the aggressor. The immune response is essential to survival if the virus overcomes the first two lines of defense: the personal protective equipment (PPE) and the mucous membranes. However, the immune response mounted should be adequate. If it is too weak, the virus wins the battle and we die; if it is excessive and causes a “cytokine storm,” the excessive inflammatory reaction of our bodies will be the cause of our demise.
Fortunately, more than 80 percent of us will have an adequate response to the COVID-19. Therefore, we will only have a mild to moderate form of the infection. This is really great news. On the other hand, for the other 20 percent of us who will develop a more serious form of the illness and who may end up hospitalized, the situation is more complicated. In the case of COVID-19, there are two problems we face: 1-This is a new virus; therefore, we humans have never had the opportunity to develop immunity against him. 2-This is a type of virus that in certain cases triggers an extreme immune response that is harmful to the body.
There is much we have learned about this virus in a short time, but much more that we need to learn yet. However, we cannot afford to know everything about it before taking actions that we know help with any type of viral infection. These general preventive measures will give us the best possible health condition to repel the infection before we face the virus. In other words, we need to be well prepared in our general health status for the battle against COVID-19 before the encounter.
Immunity and COVID-19

COVID-19 the enemy to beat
But first, I must admit, the truth is there is no specific way to improve our immunity against COVID-19. This statement seems like a contradiction with what I have said above. But, in fact, it’s not. This is because, that is not what Integrative Medicine aims to. Holistic and Integrative medicine–unlike mainstream Medicine–focuses on health, not on disease. Therefore, the focus of this post is not on finding a “silver bullet” against COVID-19, but on making you as healthy as possible to take on COVID-19 if the case comes. Therefore, I will start by examining the risk factors of this virus in terms of its lethality (which means, its ability to cause serious illness and kill you) in case you come across it.
Now, let’s make it clear from the start that COVID-19 can infect and kill anyone, of any age, gender, race or ethnicity. And yet, the following are the groups most at risk of developing serious illness and of risking potential death if infected with Coronavirus:
1-Older adults: from the age of 50, but with increasing risk with every decade that passes after age 65.
2-People with underlying medical conditions such as:
a-Asthmatics and those suffering from chronic lung disease of any kind b-smokers c-Those suffering from severe heart disease and/or high blood pressure d- Survivors of Cancer e-People living with HIV f-Diabetics g-People who are markedly overweight or who suffer from severe obesity h-Those with chronic kidney or liver disease i-People with immune deficiencies or those treated with immunosuppressants.
Now, let’s look at the factors involved in your vulnerability to Coronavirus infection. They can be divided into two types: 1-Those that are fixed 2-Those who can be changed
1-The fixed ones are:
a-Your genetics
b-Your sex
c-Your age
d-Your race and ethnicity
2-Those that can be changed are:
a-Your weight
b-Your addictions
c-Your diet
d-Your fitness level and stress levels
e Your glucose levels
f-Your sexual activity
h-Your attitude about wearing protective gear and maintaining social distancing.
Let’s start with those who cannot be changed. It is obvious that genetics and age play an important role in the immune response to COVID-19. Children appear to be more resistant to the infection and they tend to develop milder forms of the disease. Sometimes they only become “asymptomatic carriers” (they have viruses in their throats but show no signs of illness). As we age our immune system ages and becomes less able to develop an adequate response, increasing the risk of illness and death.
Men are more likely to develop more severe forms of the disease than women. Pregnant women do not appear to get COVID-19 more often than non-pregnant women; and so far, there is no evidence that the virus enters the fetus in the womb. All races and ethnic groups are affected by this infection. However, some minority groups, such as Blacks and Latinos seem to over-represented in clinical populations. So, let’s now look at the factors that you can change to protect yourself from COVID-19: You have to look at the problem from two perspectives: As always in medicine, changing behavior and taking full responsibility for your health is what most people find the most difficult thing to do. And this is often the cause of us not succeeding in your efforts to do well.
There are two approaches to treatment in Integrative Medicine:
1-Eliminate those factors that damages us
2-Promote those factors that protects us
Eliminating what harms us is always the most difficult thing to do from a behavioral point of view. Why? Well, this is so because that action means giving up addictive activities that give us pleasure, but that in the long run are harmful to our health. These addictions are important factors that cause our health problems, reduce our immunity against the virus, and end up getting us sick. Therefore, let’s look here at the main risk factors that need to be removed to defeat the Coronavirus. Consider them the “Ten Golden Rules for Maintaining Good Health” and win the battle against the COVID-19.
1-Stop smoking or vaping (tobacco or marijuana). Smoking (or vaping) has been shown to increase the risk of COVID-19 infection. In addition, cigarette smoke carries particles from COVID-19 and keeps them in the air for longer. Smoking anything decreases lung oxygenation and reduces airway immunity. Smoking causes inflammation in the airways that lowers defenses against the virus. Marijuana decreases lung defenses as well. In addition, marijuana smoke causes the same problems as tobacco smoke.
2-Stop drinking too much. Alcohol affects the liver, decreases immunity, and causes major depression, which is also known to decrease immunity.
3-Stop using drugs: Stimulants such as the Amphetamines, Ecstasy, Cocaine stress the adrenal glands by increasing circulating cortico-steroids, which in turn decrease the activity of T and B cells. These are the white cells that make antibodies against the virus. Quit narcotic or opiate painkillers if you are using them as they inhibit respiratory activity. Opiate painkillers and heroine lower oxygen levels in your lungs making it more likely that you will die from respiratory failure and pulmonary failure.
4-Discuss with your doctor the possibility of temporary discontinuation of corticosteroids (medicines such as Prednisone, Cortisone and the like) or any immunosuppressants you may be taking, if this is possible, until the COVID-19 pandemic has been controlled. This temporary suspension should include corticosteroid sprays for nasal allergies containing Fluticasone. If you suffer from active asthma, keep a good hydration and continue taking your medications.
5-Maintain good hydration and stop eating junk food. Stop eating too many bad carbohydrates, sugar and salt. Excess sugar or desserts will bring you high blood glucose levels. And keep in mind that the higher your glucose levels, the worse your diabetes and obesity and the poorer your immune response will be.
Now, let’s look at what can be done to improve your health and immunity against CORONAVIRUS:
1-Lower your stress level as stress raises your circulating corticosteroids and decreases your T cell activity and immunity.
2-Sleep at least 8 hours minimum. If you can’t do it naturally because of your anxiety, ask your doctor to give you something to sleep.
3-Walk or exercise 30 minutes a day or exercise at home. Physical activity improves your general well-being, distracts you, improves immunity, improves lung oxygenation, keeps your weight under control, and has anxiolytic and antidepressant effect.
4-Eat a healthy diet. A “healthy diet” doesn’t have to be expensive. You can get proteins from chicken, burgers, beans and eggs. Eat vegetables of all colors, and add some fruits, particularly citrus fruits. Cut carbs and calories. Watch out for the for the excess of candy and desserts. An occasional indulgence is OK, but avoid excesses.
5-Take a multivitamin supplement with minerals a day. Diabetic-oriented ones are the best, as they have additional amounts of some vitamins like B and C complex. Vitamin C, A and Zinc deserve special mention, as they are known as essential for skin and mucous membranes health that are the second line of defense against COVID-19. Vitamin D is also useful as it improves the immune response and levels are low in a large number of our population.
6-If you overweight, talk to your doctor or dietitian to give you a plan to come down and put your weight loss plan into practice right now.
7-Discuss with your doctor your vaccinations and bring them up to date. If you have children, be sure to talk to your kids’ pediatrician about the need to complete measles (MMR) vaccines. For people of any age, it’s important to get the Flu Influenza vaccine this year and every year from now on. For those over 65, it is important to add the pneumonia and shingles vaccine. There is evidence that having these vaccines offer extra protection against COVID-19.
8-Remember that COVID-19 is found in all human bodily fluids, including saliva, tears, and stools. This means you can become infected by kissing or by sexual contact, especially if it’s done with someone outside your stable relationship, so stick to whoever you are with. It is also essential to disinfect the toilet flush handle every time it is used.
9-Keep your social distance and use your protective equipment when interacting with anyone. These protective measures must continue throughout your interaction with others even after the government lifts stay at home orders.
10-Finally, avoid minimizing the risk posed by the virus by denying it or minimizing risk. Stop telling yourself or others things like “this happens to others, the old ones, and things like that, but it’s not going to happen to me.” Wearing masks, glasses, and gloves is a nuisance, but it’s a necessary measure. We have to accept this new reality and do whatever we can to avoid getting infected ourselves and getting the virus spread to others. That is our greatest individual contribution in the fight against COVID-19 and our greatest sign of love towards ourselves and others.