This article deals with how to conquer the viruses of Racism and COVID-19 through the power of LOVE
Coping With COVID-19 “The Bright Side of the Pandemic”
This article deals with the flip side of the COVID-19 pandemic. It looks at some of the advantages of the current situation
Coping with COVID-19 Behaviors to Prevent and Survive Infection
This article gives advice about behavior changes needed to prevent COVID-19 infection and contagion
Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic Article 3 “Dealing with Uncertainty and Loneliness”
This article deals with COVID-19 induced anxiety, uncertainty, and loneliness. It gives suggestions as to how to deal with these feelings
Article 2 on How to Cope with COVID-19 pandemic
This article explains the basics about EDUCATION and PREVENTION of COVID 19 infection from a behavioral standpoint.
COVID-19: “Coping with the Pandemic from a Mental Health Standpoint”
This post examines the psychological aspects of the COVID-19 and gives suggestions as to how to take a healthy stance to deal with it more effectively
Welcome to my blog on Mental Health and on How to Improve Your LIFE!
Welcome to my mental health blog
Here you will find the most useful information to keep you going in these tough times of pandemic and crisis. You will learn about love, relationships, how to improve your self-esteem, beat your depression, conquer your anxiety, and lead a much happier and fulfilled life.