This post examines the increased frequency of panic attacks during the COVID-19 pandemic
Desire and the Problems of Love Life
This post deals with the importance of understanding the dynamics of Desire in Love life. It will help you understand relational problems and solve them
Why Love and Relationships Are so Difficult
This post addresses the difficulties in Love relationships. It examines the differences between need, demand, and desire. It offers a new psychoanalytic perspective to Love and relational matters that will help you solve your relational problems more effectively.
Love and Relationships Series: “Loving Touch” What COVID-19 Has Taken Away From Us
This post addresses the Relational changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. It looks at the importance of physical contact and touch in human relationships and gives advice to improve relationships through physical contact
Overcoming Loneliness and Accepting “Existential Aloneness”
This post examines the problems of loneliness, “Existential Aloneness” and individuality. It offers advice to overcome feelings of depression, exclusion, and loneliness.
The Love and Relationship Series: “Our First Love”
This article explains the importance of loving yourself to be able to love others. It explains the difference between Self-Love and Selfishness and gives practical advice to improve your SELF-ESTEEM
The Love and Relationships Series: “On Love and Loving”
This post introduces my series on Love and Relationships. It looks at these matters from a psychoanalytical and neuroscientific approach, but the article (and the series) focuses on day to day applications to the principles of Love in erotic relationships. Reading this post will help you improve your Love life
Existential Series: Does Life Have Meaning?
This post examines the question of Meaning in life. It deals with the importance of finding Meaning in an individual’s existence to avoid depression and Suicidality.
How to Survive the COVID-19 Pandemic: Improving General Health and Immunity
This post explains measures to improve your general health and immunity to prevent COVID-19 infection and become more resilient to it in case you get it
“The Problem of Suggestibility In COVID-19 Diagnosis”
This article looks into the problem of suggestibility during the COVID-19. How it affects us and the differential diagnosis. Guidance when to get tested for COVID-19